Alternative advertising can be defined as a possibility of communicating information in the ordinary everyday milieu, which is unreachable by means of traditional media. The concept of alternative advertising is closely related to location, content and innovative technology. The key to a successful alternative advertising campaign is the compatibility of an advertising space and the message, which is essential for creating memorable and intriguing results. Alternative advertising has in the course of time rapidly grown, mainly due to the fact that traditional media is losing its influence over the customers. Innovative solutions draw more attention and provide great opportunity for reaching precise target groups. Alternative advertising solutions are versatile and offer wide opportunities.

Our portfolio of products is extensive covering the widest range of advertising spaces. Since alternative advertising is not limited by tradition, we are able to find you and your target group suitable solutions in places you could never even think of…. On the land, at the sea, on the beach, on the streets and rooftops, in malls, universities, commercial centers, sport clubs, trains, buses, coffee shops, clubs, on the floors, ceilings, walls, doors, escalators, elevators, shelves, screens, mirrors, cash registers, shopping carts, check orders – no limits.

For more detailed information don’t hesitate to contact us!

LCD screens in shopping centers are located in strategic places which ensure maximum customer views. Screens are available in more than 25 shopping centers over Estonia.

- Due to a large number of screens the advertisements are not missed, influencing subconsciousness they play a great role in creating desire to buy.
- Screens enable to target your message to different special groups.
- Advertising on the LCD screens of shopping centers is a great supporting method that can be used with other marketing processes.